Tom Dudgeon
How long have you been with Gaze Burvill?
I’ve been at Gaze Burvill now for 2 months.
Tell us about what you do?
I am the current Design Placement Student currently studying at Loughborough University. My placement year has involved studying Automotive Design in the Netherlands at TU Delft for six months starting in August before joining Gaze Burvill at the end of January.
What do you love most about your role?
I get to experience a diverse highly skilled work environment and see my ideas come to life in the Parks, Gardens and Homes of our customers.
What is the most challenging part about your job?
Finding myself in a professional work environment as a student can certainly provide moments where I doubt my own abilities such as in meetings where highly experienced craftsmen will ask for your input on a job. I am acclimatising to this however and really enjoy the responsibility and interaction with people in every area of the company.
What are you most proud of?
Being charged with bringing 3D printing into the company as a current project is a great opportunity to feed some of the skills I learnt at University and on my previous placement at TU Delft into Gaze Burvill.
What is something on your bucket list?
To take a road trip around central and southern Europe in a series of converted vans with friends.